Research Greenhouse Complex

Overview of Services

Research Greenhouse Complex

The Research Greenhouses support university-wide research. Over the past 30 years, we have supported projects that have encompassed many disciplines and departments, including: Biology, Chemistry, Ecological Monitoring and Assessment, Ecological Restoration Institute, Environmental Sciences, Engineering, and Forestry.

During the past decade, our mission has expanded to include:

- growing plants for habitat restoration
- developing a campus arboretum
- developing partnerships with local, state, and federal agencies that are involved with plant production for restoration
partnering with local communities to build public gardens and educational spaces
-NAU campus native plant landscaping in conjunction with NAU Facility Services



Adair Patterson | RGC Manager

Nicholas Quayle | RGC Assistant Manager

Location and hours of operation

RGC Hours RGC Location

Monday - Friday

7am - 3pm

421 E. Pine Knoll Dr. Bldg 79

Flagstaff, AZ 86011

Links and Resources


Name Role Phone Email Location
General Email

Adair Patterson
RGC Manager
Building 79